So, I was really excited about posting a bunch of Christmas pictures... till I saw the pics of me and thought, "ugh". So when you see the pics of me... please just pretend I am much better looking. I would really appreciate your co-operation.
Starting off on Dec 20th we went up to cut our tree. We love cutting our own tree. Even though the trees are a bit, well okay, completely Charlie Brown, it is so much fun that we do it every year. I hope we NEVER get an artificial tree. What kind of memories can you have pulling a dusty old plastic tree out of the attic and "reshaping" it so it looks real, and plugging in a pine scented air freshener? The inventor of artificial Christmas trees should be taken out back and shot. Okay, maybe not. I'll probably get one eventually, but not till my kids have grown up, moved out, and have their own families.
We started off on this road... It's tone one we tried to drive down with our van and got stuck. We walked about a 1/2 mile and decided the mountain side off to the right looked promising. At the edge of the road there was about a 5 ft decline and then uphill. We "assumed" there was a dry creek bed. I went first, and my boot went right through the ice (which was buried beneath about 7 inches of snow) into about 5 inches of water.
I thought that was going to be the end of it for me. My foot was completely soaked. Luckily, I have the best snow boots ever and in about 5 minutes my foot was actually warming up. My sock was sloshing about, but I was warm.
After about an hour we found our tree. It was beautiful. Noah helped me cut it down and carry it back to the van.
Afterwards I really wanted to go sledding, but Aaron was the only one who would go with me. We hiked up the steepest hill we could find and went for it. The snow was pure, in your face, powder, so one run was enough for Aaron. By the time we stopped moving we were covered in a thick blanket of snow.
Now are you ready? Time to start using your imagination... Think beautiful smile with full lips and sparkling white teeth. There. That's better.
On the way back from sledding the kids were taking pictures... in the dusk, through the windows, with the flash on most of the time. There were about 100 pictures of blurry glare, and then this one.
Amazing right?
I think Noah took it. I didn't enhance it at all. This is just how it came out. Beautiful. I think I'm going to make it my computer background image.
I should have taken a picture of our beautifully decorated tree, but I didn't get around to it. I did take a rather bad picture of my fireplace mantle.
This is my gorgeous sister Jill, and my grandma. Grandma is almost 91. When I was still in High school I bought my grandma a santa sweatshirt for Christmas. She wears it every Christmas eve with her red and green plaid Christmas pants.
And of course, Cruzer:
Here are my brother Pete, Jill's daughter Sariah, and Pete's wife Courtney. Courtney and Pete got married the same week we lost Vincent so I never ended up blogging about them or their wedding. It was beautiful and I couldn't have wished for a better wife for my brother. Courtney is awesome. She has such an amazing spirit and is a perfect match for Pete, and she's gorgeous! Their personalities are so perfect for one another. We all love her, well, except Aaron who is going threw an anti-girl phase and doesn't like ANYONE who has, or may one day have, estrogen... but I'm sure he'll come around.
Tomorrow back to work. I am still working on kitting the final Reindeer Stables album. I'm hoping to have it finished by New Years and then I will be shipping all the rest of the kits out.
Here's the album count:
Album kit one - Santa's workshop - sold out
Album kit two - The home of Mr and Mrs. Claus - 2 left
Album kit three - The Cookie Cafe - 2 left
Album kit four - The North Pole Post - 3 left
Album kit five - The Reindeer Stables - 4 left.
Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!