My computer is in the shop.
It's been there for a bit.
Hopefully it will be ready soon.
They had to wipe it. Yup, wipe the hard drive. Had some serious virus problems. Anyway, all my pictures and editing software is on my computer.. hence the lack of blogging, and my feelings of being displaced.
Can't deal with it any longer... I'm posting some Christmas Morning pictures.. completely raw, unedited, uncropped, red eye... the works.

Can't remember what DVD the kids were excited about in this picture. What I'd like to point out is the pants Santa brought for Aaron still draped neatly over the couch in the background. Why can't the non-toy presents get a little love?? hmmmm?? HMMMMM?

Yes, Santa brought Jennica some press on nails.
As far as Jennica is concerned, Santa rocks.

And for my scrapbooking friends...
You've got to check this out. My GENIOUS pal Melody Ross is taking creative to a whole new level and has designed chipboard stamping sets that are SOOOO amazing. The finished product looks like hand-tooled leather. I've been able to demo the tools at Mel's house and they are awesome. There is nothing like it on the market. You are going to love them!