Prepare yourself, this post is all over the place.
Between working full time, and my company, and all the side jobs and commitments... and loads of emotional stress and strain, my blog has suffered. I'm trying to get better, but I just feel drained all of the time.
I'm working on finding balance, it's just not working out so well for me.
So, this is the catch up post.
First, in March my youngest brother got married to the cutest girl, with the best taste ever. The wedding was gorgeous. She wore her mothers wedding dressed, which had been redesigned and reconstructed.
The rest of the party was in brown, with accents in dark rich purples, orangey reds, and ivory.

She asked me to do her wedding flowers and at first when she said pheasant feathers, I was a little concerned... but they turned out so beautiful and the theme fit them to a T.

It was a cool night, but after the reception they jumped on Al's motorbike and ride off in their bridal clothes.

So happy to have Chey as a new sister in law. xoxo

Next Andy's birthday is in April. It was a beautiful day so we went to the park and threw the football and fed the ducks.

(Yeah, you see that perfect spiral, I threw it. Thank you very much.)

Then Jennica and I took a weekend trip to Utah. We stayed with Andy's Aunt Sue who I just adore. She's so fun, and very understanding and supportive, which is something I really need right now. I didn't take many pictures, but I did snap these from the guest room patio in the morning and at night.

Absolutely amazing view.

Lastly, my brother Pete and sister in law Courtney are expecting baby number one... She should be here within two weeks. :) We had a casual baby shower at a mexican restaurant.

I made her a baby blanket and a cute little tiny tag album.

Alright, I know, nothing thrilling, and insightful today. Ugh. I hate boring posts, But it's all I've got right now. :(
This week is May 2010 Brave Girls Camp. I can only make it from Thursday night till Saturday night... but I suppose that's better then not making it at all.
Love you all. Thanks for sticking with me and loving me anyway.