Simple, cup the bead without taking up a whole lot of space, and stamped out of a sheet of very thin metal. Extremely inexpensive to manufacture.
I'm extremely short on time, and I am slightly limited geographically to stores I can make it to during my lunch break.
And so on Monday, August 23, I go to this store... supposed to have everything.. I won't name names, but the store has a particular website dedicated solely to pictures of the people who shop there.... Not a single bead cap in the store. Nada. Annoying, but life goes one.
Day two, second try. There is a bead specialty shop... Going to take my entire lunch hour to get there and back, but I don't have any other options. Drive all the way there only to discover they are having an unscheduled day of CLOSED. Not out of business, just a messy hand written note taped to the inside of the door,
{We will be closed, Tuesday August 24th.}
Fantastic. I left my own sign. It said:
{I will not be back, Wednesday August 25th.}
Which brings us to today.. and a special hobby store, that really does not have a lobby so I'm not sure what their PROBLEM is. (Yes, I'm feeling rather annoyed.)
Way to far for me to make it there and back in an hour.. so I'll be making up the extra time at work...
An entire Isle of BEADS and accessories! Yay!! They have to have bead caps.
Yup. They do. I checked, and checked and checked again... ONE style remotely similar to a stamped bead cap...and it's only available in sterling silver. for. 6.00. fricken. dollars. a. fricken. bag. of. 20.....
I hate getting ripped off... seriously, and this is a complete rip off.
But there is a sign!
[Metal Bead Accessories 50% off!]
Okay, I still know I'm getting royally ripped off, but I'm desperate. I grab two bags and head to the register..
Wait... wait... wait... one checker... line... wait...
And then... as it turns out only the brand name: 'Metal Bead Accessories,' is actually on sale.. Mine are full price. I commented to the sales lady that I don't even need silver, but it's all they have. The lady insists they do have them in non silver, and suggests I come back tomorrow and check and see if any come in on the truck....
I'm three days in and I've already wasted 3 lunch hours... So I paid my $12.50 for 40 bead caps and leave
After work I took a short detour to one other large "warehouse" craft store to try my luck. Another huge bead department, same crappy bead cap selection. They did have some bead caps... right style, but quite a bit large than the ones I need, not sterling silver... BUT on sale for $.10 each. $5 bucks for 50 later, and I'm going to make them work... and then make another trip to that lobby store and get my $12.50 back.
Oh... the picture of the bead caps above... Found those on a particular Oriental site that trades a lot... $5.99 for 100....
It's not about the money, is about me being annoyed... and the fact that the whole world should revolve around me and it hasn't this week and that's lame. I hope you feel for me, I really do.
I know.. and I warned you. Don't worry they won't all be lame.. eventually the stars will align and I'll have an unlame post. Until then, just know that I love you.
PS. I have a really exciting changes to my blog coming soon, but I can't talk about them right now... they are too cool, and totally allergic to lame. SOON.