Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas Village Fire Station- Sneak Peak!

I have finally gotten started on the Fire Station for my Christmas Village album set. It isn't anywhere near complete, but here's a sneak peak at what I have already started. I am so excited!

If there is something you would love to see added to the album please post comment. I always love fresh ideas!

I have also decided to complete the entire 5 album set before listing any of the pieces. Reason being is after I listed the gingerbread house I was so busy cutting and selling house shaped albums that I couldn't even think about the other books for almost 3 weeks! At that rate, Christmas will be long over before I get any more finished.

If you are interested in purchasing one of my unfinished acrylic albums please email me at


  1. Looks like you found the bell!? It's looking great!

  2. I can't wait to see the others. This one looks great so far!

  3. I can't wait to see all of them done Cam! This one looks amazing! I love all the detail you have put in so far. Good luck!

  4. I can't believe you even have a bell!! It's fantastic ~ I can't wait to see the rest!!

    I received my two albums today ~ they're darling!! I am going to start on them tomorrow!

    thanks so much ~ eh,

  5. Fantastic. You are the BomB!!!!

    Got my albums today. Just what I
    wanted. Thanks soooooooooo much.

