Friday, November 30, 2007

My acrylic house album template has been STOLEN!

I recently designed, cut and created a shaped acrylic album which I used to create my signature gingerbread album. I listed the album on ebay October 15th. Click here to view the closed auction. During that same time I posted pictures of the album on Two Peas in a Bucket; a popular scrapbooking website, and on my blog.

Beginning November 15th, this beautiful unfinished acrylic album template became available for sale online and in various local scrapbook stores across the nation. It will soon be published in Scrapbook Trends Magazine.

Click here to see a computer generated image of the unfinished album.

The reason for this email is to inform you that I did NOT manufacture the acrylic template album. Someone has stolen my design and is mass marketing,and mass manufacturing it. Please DO NOT purchase it. If you see it in your local scrapbook store, please advise them of the situation and urge them to return the albums.

I am currently looking into legal action to protect my rights, however, you can help support original designers everywhere by forwarding this email to any crafters you know, especially design team members, local scrapbook store owners and employees.

Oh, and if anyone knows a really good copyright attorney, I would love a referral.

If you have any information about the sale of this copied acrylic album please email me directly at camillemcc@gmail.

Thank you for your help!

I have two more albums done for my Christmas Village and how I am afraid to post them. I don't like it that someone else is making a huge profit off of my designs.


  1. What an awful mess Cam...I hope you get it all figured out...Seems like things were a mess last year at Christmas time too...? How is your Christmas shopping coming along?

  2. This new template is GORGEOUS!!!! Love it!

  3. Oh no. I saw these in my local store. I hope thy're not what you're talking about. I'll have to mention this blog.
