I have been trying to finish up several projects so I can give my family back the kitchen table.
First, there were all the orders for gingerbread houses. Unfinished and Finished. Then I agreed to teach a class on the gingerbread houses and had to kit 10 of them. Then there was the PFOP challenge that I will go into in a bit. A magnetic board I needed to finish up, and there is still a football album I need to add too and some custom acrylic albums I need to design and cut for a client. Can I just say, "AHHHHHH!"
The other night I went to a craft night at my church and made the most amazing magnetic board. I just love it! Now I just have to remount the mounting hooks so I can hang it up. In true Camille style I was not paying enough attention and ended up with the mounting hooks on the side of the finished project instead of the top.

My good friend Tammy has challenged all the PFOP members to design outside the box. WEll, outside of THEIR personal box. Try something new and maybe a little scary. To me scary is a 12x12 layout. I've made a few before and they were just horrible. Granted my skills have improved some since then, but I still felt so intimidated.
So I've had this project on the back of my mind for some time. Not quite sure what kind of 12x12 to do, holiday theme? Fall??? I just wasn't inspired at all. All I could imagine when I thought of the project was one big disaster!
Then I started thinking along the lines of calendar pages, office bulletin board, year at a glance... What would I like to see in my own office.
Intimidation?? Woosh, out the window.
I don't know it I was just really inspired, or if because the layout isn't going to go into a scrapbook so it didn't really scare me like a typical layout. Whatever it was I'm glad. I LOVE the way it turned out. I'm planning on posting it on eBay and secretly praying it won't sell so I can keep it! I'm even posting a small picture here with no details in good view so just in case anyone actually reads my blog (lol) they won't be tempted to go bid on it!

I just LOVE that calendar. I may have to bid. Just teasing you! I know where you live if I wanted one. I love your table. Mine looked like that about a week ago until I finally got it together and cleaned up.
Cam, hurry up and give your poor little family the dinner table back! ;)
I'm the same way, I scrap on my dinner table too. Still hoping and wishing for a scrapbook room!
Camille, I LOVE the magnetic board. I want to make one for my office!! I love your calendar....I'm with Kristi, just may have to bid on it (you're using reverse psychology, right????LOL)
Cute calendar - hope it sold. :)
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