Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's finally posted!!

My Christmas Village is finally posted on eBay. I am so pleased with how it all turned out. My only concern is it took me so long to complete it's going to be a challenge getting it to the buyers before Christmas!

I still need to get the unfinished albums listed. Once that's done, man alive, I need to hit the stores and start my Christmas shopping!!

Here's a link straight to the auction listings.

Oh yeah, I met with my copyright and patent attorney regarding Clear Scraps THEFT of my house shaped design template. My attorney was very interested in pursuing legal action because the theft is so blatant! Woohoo!


  1. I blogged about your cool albums. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow these are so cool. You are very creative. Good luck with the legal action.


  3. Gorgeous albums! So sorry to hear someone stole your design. Hope the atty can help you clear things up quickly. :)

  4. Wonderful albums. So detailed and nicely assembled. TFS!

  5. Yeah! I am so thrilled that you finally finished them. And I am really excited about what the attorney had to tell you.

  6. Cam, that is great news! I hope you find much success in your pursuit of those creeps that stole your idea! They didn't know who they were messing with! Congrats on your bids on all of them too! That's awesome!!!

  7. You have no idea who I am, but I'm friends with Mandy Bridgeforth.

    You have honestly got to be the most talented scrapbooker on this planet! Those houses are the most incredible "books" I've ever seen. Talk about talent!! And you need to take those creeps to the cleaners whoever stole your idea. I would be so mad. Go after them!! You deserve every penny from this design you came up with. You definitely have a gift for art and beauty!!!

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