Wednesday, February 13, 2008

13.5 Weeks Pregnancy Pictures

I took more pictures last night of my ever expanding bump.

I really like this shirt. I still feel pretty and in it, which is not something I feel very often right now.

Sorry for the picture quality.



  1. You are still so cute! I love the pictures in the mirror. Cracks me up. That is totally what us moms have to do to get a picture of ourselves.

  2. WOW Cam...your tummy is not the only thing that's getting bigger! I'd be more specific but this is a public blog right?! ;-) You look great!

  3. Your always gorgeous to me! I think you look so FAB!

  4. Hey Camille,
    I didn't even know you were pregnant so what a surprise to see these pictures!!! Congratulations. When are you due? That is just so fun. Do you know what you are having yet? I know probalby not, but just thought I wouldask. You look adorable, I love the hair, it makes me want to chop mine!!!

  5. Cam, I love your little pregnant belly! How funny though that you had to take pictures of yourself! I wonder how many you erased before you chose these two? SO cute!

  6. How cute are you!?!
    It's so nice to see your 'bump' ~ you look fantastic!!
