Can I just say oh my cuties! Aaron is wearing a old puppy dog halloween costume that's way to small for him. I made it a when Noah was about 4 and we just found it this fall. Aaron loves it. Before he went outside he got into the Quick powdered chocolate milk mix, so the costume is a mess, but he still looked so dang cute jumping up and down on the trampoline I had to go get the camera.
Andy really wants to get a puppy, now I can tell him we already have one! And it's way cute and already ((mostly)) potty trained. AND he can double for a little boy whenever we want him too! (Although, I've just been informed by Aaron, that he is not MY puppy dog, but Jeja's (Jennica's) puppy dog.)
When I first made this costume about 50% of the people who saw it thought Noah was a cow. Dude, whatever, it's a dog!

TOO CUTE! That made my day!
Totally looks like a puppy. What were all of those poeple thinking. :) Puppies have perfectly round spots and cows not.
That is so cute! I love how they always try to squeeze into clothes that are 10 times too small! I also love the second to last picture of Jennica's hair. Awesome!
HAHA! Too cute. Sorry to say, but it's a dog trapped in a cow body! ;)
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