Sunday, April 13, 2008

What a lovely weekend!

The warm weather has arrived... Well at least it's here visiting for a few days. Yesterday was a beautiful warm day. I never did see the temperature, but it was warm enought to do yard work outside. We cleaned up the back yard a bit, sprayed weeds and tilled a place for the garden. Then we had a picnic at the park for dinner. We even ended up with our first sunburns. Today the tempurature is in the high 70's and I plan on taking advantage of it with an afternoon walk and grilling fish for dinner.

Andy thinks I'm a bit nuts wanting to plant a garden this year, being pregnant and due in August of all things. Maybe he's right, but I have been feeling the need to become more efficient and self reliant. I haven't planted a garden in several years... and the gardens I did plant have never really worked out all that well. This year I'm hoping things will be different. I want tomoatoes, green beans, cukes, zucchini and watermelon to start.

Tomorrow, while the weather is still nice, I plan to get the rest of the garden ready and planted. Then on Tuesday I won't be leaving the house!


  1. HMM, Watermelon sounds great! My Mom planted them last year and we had endless watermelon for the entire summer, but they are a bit high maintence though. GOOD LUCK! :)

  2. Ok so I cant help but be a little jealous right now!
    We had more snow on the ground this morning! lol

  3. This weather was absolutely gorgeous. Gunnar got a sunburn at my parents. We didn't even think of putting on sunscreen. We grilled for the past two days. It was great. It was 80 degrees yesterday!
