Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'm not dead. Oh goody.

This morning my mom and I drove out to my sister Jill's to help her with some planting and weeding. Jills due to have a baby in about a week or two so she's pretty uncomfortable at this point.

Anyway, while we're driving there we had me, my mom, my little 3 yr old Aaron, and my sister's daughter Emily., age 10, in the car. Emily had a sleep over at grandmas after Uncle Pete and Aunt Courtney took her out for her birthday yesterday night.

Back to the point...
So we're driving along, and Aaron and Emily are having their own little conversation in the back seat. Aaron says to Emily, while he's pointing at me, "That's my mom, she's not dead."

So I know he kind of gets it about the baby, but I'm not sure how well. I mean, how much could he really understand if he feels the need to point out the living people.


  1. Scared me Cam! I thought you were going to tell about a car accident or something...whew! Isn't it amazing how kids brains process things? I never thought it would be so hard to explain things to my kids - especially things like the plan of salvation. Their questions and comments totally catch me off guard. I'm glad you and Aaron are safe and well. Have a good weekend!

  2. Ok, I'm sorry, but that is hilarious! I love little kids and their comprehension of things...or lack of I guess I should say. My sister in law just had a miscarriage...the one who just adopted the little baby...and we were talking about it in front of Felicity. She kept thinking that something happened to Kyron. "mommy, is Kyron ok?" "did Kyron die?" Poor thing just got SOOO confused! That will be a fun story for later for you to tell though :o) I'm glad you're not dead ;o)

  3. oh!!! I'm glad you're not dead. Sweet boy.

    and my sister is in Samara Russia (it's warmer there!)

  4. I thought you were going to say you were in an accident too! I'm glad you're not dead. I would probably have got the giggles at being introduced that way.

  5. That really is so cute. Sometimes my girls who were only little when I lost Lucy, tell me that they have a little sister in Heaven. In fact sometimes when I say I am the luckiest mum in the world to have 3 beautiful girls, they correct me that I have 4. It's not that I forget to count her it's just painful to remember that she's not here sometimes. So, give it time. He'll understand more in the months and years to come. Emi who is 5 this week has a much better understanding of it all then Cait who is only 3.5
