Last night was Jennica's kindergarten music concert. My parents got there early and saves us seats. I was so glad, because by the time we got there, 15 minutes BEFORE the concert was to start, it was already down to standing room only. The seats we had were on the first and second row.
Then the kids come in... Of course we're sitting on the wrong side of the room, and Jennica was about as far away from us as she could possibly get. On the very end of the row on the opposite side of the room. The room is a long rectangle, so we probably would have been closer to her if we were standing in the back row on the right side of the room, rather than being in the front row on the wrong side of the room. Oh well, what can you do?

Jennica is definately a little laid back. She was so distracted by all the parents that she forgot to sing for about the first half of the program. Plus, if she's not interested in something she just doesn't pay attention. I don't think she was all that interested in several songs because she really didn't know the words or hand motions. She looked great anyway.

She looked so cute! The concert was in the evening. When she got home from school, before the concert, I asked her if she was suppose to dress up, or wear anything special. She tells me, "All the girls are suppose to wear pink and all the boys are suppose to wear blue. We HAVE to."
Okay, if you know Jennica at all, you know she was making that up so I would be sure to dress her in pink. Cute girl. She LOVES pink.

Jennica's little puppy dog ears were so close together that she could hardly see. It was so cute. She kept lifting them up so she could see out from under them.
My Flower girl!
I don't remember what these songs were all about, I'll have to ask Jennica when she gets home.
Her favorite song was "Tootie Ta".. For anyone who knows it, it's all about looking silly. We didn't get any pictures from that song because they had the audience stand up and participate... Several over zealous moms who were trying to video tape the kinder teacher completely got in the way and we couldn't see Jennica at all. : ( I was so sad! It's the only song she had been practicing at home.
After the Music concert we went straight over to the church building for Noah's first pine wood derby race. He was so excited.

So here's his car. Andy showed him several designs online and let him choose one. Then Andy cut it out, and Noah painted it.
It sat that way for about 3 weeks, painted with no wheels or anything else till yesterday afternoon. While Noah was at school, I attached his wheels for him and added a steering wheel and G.I. Joe driver. I would have waited for Noah, but with Jennica's concert I didn't think we would have time. When Andy got home he and Noah put the car on the scale and added some extra weights.

I think total there ended up being about 22 or 23 cars that raced. That's Noah's, third from the right.

Noah won this race...

Jennica proceeded to take extreme close ups of all of us watching the races.
Here's me.
And my mom..
And my dad... He can't allow a child to take his picture without making a face.
And great grandma.
And Aaron.
Here's Noah after the races. He had the biggfest smile on his face the entire time. Noah is pretty layed back. He's very non aggressive. Because of that, he likes to play games and compete, but he isn't alway a winner. This was so exciting for him!
In the end, there was one car that was undefeated, and one other car that beat Noah two or three times, but other than that Noah won every race he was in.
We are so proud of him!
Look, he already has groupies!
Looks like you had a busy and very fun day! Congrats to both of them!
Wow!! Great job Noah! My brother never won for speed but was always out to get the award for the best looking car.
You guys were sure busy.
I think I'm just going to leave your blog up so I can listen to the awesome play list :) great music selections!
You got terrific concert pictures! Better than ours and we were on the right side, up front. We had an active 3 year old with a very tall dad right in front of us. The secret to knowing where to stand is to pop in while they're performing for the school that afternoon. I'm already gearing up to fight for a seat at graduation!
K, first, how cute were all of those costumes that she got to wear during one program! How awesome! I have to say, I'd be one of the moms standing up to take pictures right in front of you...sorry! Second, good job to your little guy on his car! That steering wheel is just too adorable :O) We had a pinewood durby when we lived in the married student ward in Provo. We made Josh a car and painted it like spiderman. It was so fun! It's so fun to have your car win, I bet your little guy was totally excited!
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