Monday, May 19, 2008

My new Nephew!

Woohoo! My sister Jill had her baby last night. Seven pound seven ounce little boy. I know she intened to name him John Erich Baine, but I'll have to confirm that. I'm going to visit them tonight so I'll update later with pictures. :) Congratulations Jill!


  1. Dear Cam,
    YOU are AMAZING! You make me want to be a better person :o) And I hold that, as humans, our highest honor is to be recognized as a person who changes the world by example and through encouragement. YOU are such a person and I love you for it.
    I would have made a different choice at many of the the crossroads you have traveled recently. I would have found myself in a much darker place.
    Your blog reminds me that I am capable of so much more and it reminds me that I have more choices in any situation than I may see for myself.
    Hugs to you!

  2. Congratulations on being an Aunt all over again. I think you show amazing strength and courage. But I've told you before I think you are amazing. I love you lots and hope you are taking care of you!

  3. ohhhhhh.......tell Jill and Erich congratulations for me! btw, you're an awesome sister!
