Monday, June 9, 2008

Just a quick post

I have so much to do today with packing and everything, but I wanted to put some pictures up quick. I'll have internet access while we're gone, but I'm not sure how often I'll be posting.

So get your fix, I'm not sure when I'll have another for you.

This is Andy's new Motorbike:

And this is Aaron taking the kids for a ride.

There is a great bike course in Kuna our friend Sam told us about. Andy took the kids out while I was -you know- shopping for a swimsuit.

Don't laugh at Jennica's helmet. We try, we really do.

Aaron and Noah after their baths. My sweet mother in law sent these cute new towels for Vincent. After we lost him we opened them up and let the kids have them. Aaron has officially claimed the frog as his, and has to use it every time he has a bath.

This is the first time Noah has ever used one. It's hard to see, but he's a duck.

And of course, Aaron, doing what he loves, hopping around like a frog in the buck.


Okay, that's it for now! I gotta go start packing. Love you all...


  1. cute pics!!!! The motorcycle looks fun! My husband would be jealous

  2. very cool, Aaron wants a bike SOOO bad! I don't think I'll show him this post :). Where's that track at in Kuna? My kids would LOVE it!!

  3. Yeah! He got the bike. With gas prices in all it really makes sense. We have one that we need to fix a little before Jeff can use it. The bicycle course looks like tons of fun. Have fun in Texas. Relax and enjoy yourself!

  4. Hubby here one more time - I gotta get me a log in on this thing!
    Yes, I got a MOTORCYCLE, not a 'motorbike'. That sounds sooo wussy and this is not a wussy kinda thing. I am almost offended - almost.
    And with gas as it is now, it is the time for all of you to allow your husbands to become a real man and get one too.

  5. Okay those kiddie towels and of course the kids in them are so cute!!

  6. Hey girl,

    I love your blog and the music. Way precious. Good to see today! And yesterday and maybe a couple of more times before you head back home! Your kiddos are darling.
