Thursday, July 3, 2008

Baby John

My sister, Jill, and her kids came over for lunch today.

John is six weeks only now. Look at this cutie! He has some great facial expressions.

In this first one, he's not sleeping, but closed his eyes for the flash.

Ahhh, there we go!

Say what?

Jills kids are blessed with skinnyness. Look at those little arms and legs.

I'm going to call this next one the, "The monkeys throw what a people??" look.

What a doll!

Ohh! I love my new nephew.


  1. The placement on your pics is perfect. Great reaction from the first pic to the second. He is VERY cute!!!
    Jenni from the hood

  2. HE is so beautiful. Your pictures are awesome. I love the foot!

  3. I hate my adult feet, but I LOOOOOOOOVVVEEE baby feet! I could kiss baby toes all day. Same goes for baby necks and ears :)

  4. You Serra folk all have strong genes! Your kids and Jill's and Justin's little Cruz all look so alike, all gorgeous!
