Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rupert on the River, Twin Falls Temple, and Backpacking...

....So I WAS going to blog about our trip over to the Rupert / Twin Falls area, but my camera batteries have died and I'm charging them up... because tomorrow morning Andy and I leave to go backpacking and I definitely want to bring the camera. So early next week I will have a ton to Blog about. :)

I was expecting to have a baby this weekend.

So far my distraction plan has been working out wonderfully.

The day before we left for Rupert I was REALLY having a difficult time. I was feeling so depressed, and very emotional. It seemed like every where I turned, even the smallest little things had turned into huge reminders of my lost "born still" baby.

It's been like poster board signs that said, "Your BABY DIED!" posted all over my life.

While we were in Rupert and Twin Falls I was able too.... well, not forget, I never forget... but I was able to be distracted and more functional. I hope I can continue to avoid the funk of depression. I get a little crabby when I'm depressed. Hopefully Andy can tolerate me... If he abandons me to the bears you'll know why. Not that the bears will have a chance... If I'm crabby, they better stay clear.


  1. Go ahead and give the bears hell Cam...I hope you have a good time!

  2. I can't wait to here about your adventure. It will be so beautiful, quiet and peaceful for you.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Have a great weekend away Cam. You deserve to keep your mind off of things for a little while! Enjoy yourself and have fun :o)

  5. You are amazing.. and I am impressed.Keep up the greast work and have a great time, let me know how it is, at boulder lake I want to try it too.Stacy
