Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It was a Dark and Stormy Night....


My Acrylic Haunted House Album is finished!

Complete with a bat weather vane, hand cut bare trees, ghosts, yellow eyes, and a picket fence.

As usually this album contains, almost exclusively, my original artwork. I do not use templates, punches, or any of the various personal cutting machines. Everything is created by hand.

The exceptions are the skeleton on page 5 and the rub-ons used on page 4 and page 8.

The picket fence is made of paper and wire.

And the front door opens.

I used a lot of poppers on the page elements, add to that the very nature of an acrylic album, and this album looks more like a three dimensional model than a 2 dimensional scrapbook.

Most of the papers in this album are from the Basic Grey Periphery collection.

I couldn't make a Halloween album without adding trick-or-treaters complete with their goody bags...

I love the cardboard box, aluminum foil robot, with aluminum dryer vent arms, and duck tape pants.

I still haven't decided if I want to list it on eBay or not. Sales have been a bit down, and I wouldn't want to see it go for less than $70.00 ... and honestly even $70.00 would be a bit of a disappointment.

Oh yeah...

This unfinished shaped album template, completed decorated album, and all the original artwork contained in the album, as well as the pictures of the album are copyright Camille McClelland 2008, and cannot be reproduced, or used without express written permission.

If you'd like to post any of my pictures on your blog or website, you may do so under two conditions. 1. Proper credit must be given as well as including the text"Copyright Camille McClelland 2008". 2. Send me the link once you have created the posting to

Thank you!


  1. This is amazing... you should bring an album on Saturday I would love to see one, You have always been so talented in the art department.

  2. You are an increadibly artist, I am actually speechless... THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING WORK CAMI!!!

  3. Cam that is gorgeous, I just love it!

  4. Oh my gosh -- this is absolutely AMAZING!!!! You should teach classes on how to do this. Amazing!

  5. this album is absolutely stunning, so much detail!!!! I would be interested to see what kind of price this would fetch on Ebay :)

  6. OMG Camille - that is fabulous!! And here I've been waiting for what you'd follow up last Christmas's village with! :) So glad you shared this!

  7. You are INCREDIBLE Cam!! I love that last picture in a natural setting. It just totally captures the mood and feel. I too would love to see what kind of price this would get. Unfortunately it is a complete gamble. Some things do well and then others not so well. I was in shock with the final prices of your Christmas Village last year. I think that you should finally keep one yourself.

  8. So just like I said in my e-mail, Wow, AMAZING. You are so talented with all of the little details! GREAT job!

  9. Lindo....Lindo.....Lindo...Beatiful...I Love this work...

  10. this is a stunning piece well done !!!!! keep up the good work

  11. I had to look this up as soon as you left today's amazing and I've got to come see it in person! It's obvious that you are an artist with all the hand drawn details...AMAZING!!!

  12. WOW!
    What a wonderful album.
    I have never seen such a beautiful album, the detail is incredible.

  13. Wow, what an amazing work of art. Definitely a winner.

  14. STUNNING! wow! this is such an incredible piece of art!!!

  15. This is just insanely amazing. I'm literally having an inspiration *FIT* after seeing your work. You obviously put a lot of effort into this. I think Etsy would be the way to go, right? $70.00 would be a steal!!!

  16. FANTASTIC WORK - I'm spechhless .

  17. Hi Camille my name is Susie and I live in Miami. Let me tell you I am what you call a TRUE HALLOWEEN FANATIC. When I saw this I said OMG I wish she would sell this. It is absolutely Gorgeous. If you ever get inspired to make many, please let me know I will buy one.
    Awesome beautiful work

  18. Camille

    I have to tell you this is out of control and the most unique work I have seen. Spectacular work! It's like Picasso originals, the bomb!

    Ana G.
    Miami, FL

  19. This work is awesome! I really wanna do something like this. Appreciate it if you can post some vids like the ones from here

    Thanks a bunch!

  20. Your album is absolutely incredible! I linked to it from my scrapbook news column at :) Enjoy your day.
