Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New look

I have updated my blog look all on own....

Previously, I have always asked my good friend Amber Halversen to update it for me because she really knows her stuff when it comes to digital scrapbooking and just does an amazing job.

I have always wanted to learn how to do it myself so I decided to give it a try. it's not quite as well finished as when Amber does it, but I think it turned out pretty well.

What do you think?


  1. Great job! I still have to consult the tutorial blog and I have done my own many times. No point in really committing into memory. I love the new fall colors.

  2. Love the colors Cam! I'm still to scared to try it on my own...You did a great job!

  3. Looks great! Good job. :)

  4. Fantastic. I am not even going to ask how. You amaze me. Like nuclear science, or magic beans, I am not sure how, but I am sure its a very cool thing!!

  5. I believe I need some of your mad HTML skills for my blog! Great job!

  6. yes I love it, great colours. (Aussies spell colour with a 'u' just incase you think I can't spell, lol! xox miss you

  7. Hey girl, very nice. One of my favorite color combos. I can't for the life of me do stuff like this. I am not in the head of the class when it comes to anything electronic. lol.I am lucky I post pics...LOL!! Great job.

  8. It looks great Cam! I'm glad you figured it out. It's really not that bad, huh? That family pic of you guys is really cute too, good job!
