Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sneak Peak at Santa's Village -2008 Christmas Acrylic album set

I didn't think it was too early to start thinking about Christmas until I emailed my friend Michelle, who sells scrapbook supplies, to ask her about Basic Grey's new Christmas line-Wassail, and she told me it won't be available till sometime in October.

What??? That's just way to far away for me. I want to start creating, and with the encouragement of my new friend, Damaris, my plan is to kit these albums. Scary, I know... Well, maybe not for you, but for me... Stay tuned to see if I actually get up the courage to do it!

Anyway, here's my sketches. I've actually taken these to the next step and I'm getting ready to start cutting the acrylic.

Now I've got to figure out what paper line? Dang you Basic Grey... you're my favorite, but the albums all have to match, and I can't be expected to wait till October to start!

On a different note, I taught a simple card class the other night at my church.

These are the sample cards I advertised the class with.

The day of the class I called all the women who signed up and asked them to bring a paper trimmer and scissors if they had them.

One of the gals brought these:


Remember when these were all the rage and we all HAD to have them. And all our scrapbook pages, and photo mats had the decorative edges?

Secret confession... I still have mine. I think my kids would have a conniption fit if I tried to throw them out. They can't figure out why I'm not using them.

Maybe I'll try my first blog giveaway... anyone want my decorative scissors??


  1. LADY....Just charge me that first kit!!!! I'm there like a bear!!!That acrylic looks amazing!!! Hey, I have my scissors too. Believe it or not, I have been using mine recently. I dusted them off and did a couple of LO's. I really understand the pain vendors create when taking sooooooooo long to ship their merchandise once it has been released...I'm feeling the pain RIGHT NOW!!!! LOL

  2. LOL! I still have my scissors too, but they haven't been used in about 8 years! I don't know why I still keep them. Those cards are adorable BTW! I love the baby carriage one. SO cute! I can't wait to see your new albums. I always love your creations! How did the halloween one do on 2peas?

  3. The scissors are not being given away. Just like bell bottoms, side burns, pant pegging and other 'fads' they will come back and we will have an original set of them to sell on eBay for hundreds.

  4. Well my daughter would have a fit too if I tried to give mine away, and that is actually one of my scrapbook goodies I dont mind sharing with her!

    Kits are a great idea!

  5. Hey Camille:

    I love your Halloween album and absolutely adore the sketches for the christmas album. But I was wondering what you use to cut your acrylic? I have stacks of it, but don't know what to do with it because they are all squares. Any ideas?

  6. I have my scissors to and actually used the scallopy cloud looking ones the other day. Scrapbooks, Etc will sometimes do an article about what you can do with them now. I am always amazed at what they show. Their ideas never look cheesy. I do remember how I had to have all of them. Costco would carry a set of them. I would dig through them looking for a new set that I didn't already have. Too funny.

  7. ARE YOU CRAZY :) I use my scissors A LOT... especially when I need a little texture, you don't want to give them away!!! ;) And the album is extrordinary.
    See ya Stacy
