Friday, October 3, 2008

Ideas that go right

My friend's baby shower is tomorrow, and so last night I had an idea for a great little mini tag album and I jumped on it. It was one of those times where everything comes together quickly and easily and everything you try work out great the first time.

That never happens.

Anyway check it out. I don't think my friend checks my blog everyday so hopefully she won't see it here till after the shower. I just can't help myself. I am so happy with it I had to post it today. :)

The middle sheet is printed on vellum paper and is mirrored on the back side so it's a transparent page. I left the inside pages blank. The text I like best for the inside was the babies name and stats and since he hasn't been born yet... well she'll have to add that later is she wants.
It's about 2.5 inches and made of acrylic. I made it without a lot of loose embellishments so she can use it as a key chain if she wants to.

It's one of those projects you can't stop looking at because you like it so much.


  1. I LOVE it when things just click and it all works flawlessly. What a super cute little project.

  2. I hope that you know how much I appreciate you and ALL that you do, it has been nice to see you again and start building a new realtionship on an old friendship.THANK YOU...Stacy and by the way your blog page looks great.

  3. Loved it on your blog LOVED it in person! You have such amazing ideas! The shower was fun, thank you for hostessing! and the food was yummy! Looking forward to the first, and more importantly, Monday!! Office floor, here I come!! :)
    (I am pretty sure YOU are the only one that understands what I just wrote!!)

  4. And as a side note:
    the wheels, that was my idea! Totally made the whole piece and it was me.
    No, really. I am proud of my wonderful wife and her great talents!!!

  5. It's a good thing I didn't check your blog before going to the baby shower! I do love it though and I show it to everyone. I knew all of your creative talent would be put to good use! Thanks for the baby shower. It turned out GREAT even if our numbers were low. But it's always fun to get together! Thanks!
