Monday, October 20, 2008

I've been a bad blogger...

Sorry, It's just not much has been going on that I feel like blogging.

I have a fat lip from Aaron running into me, with his head.

My Cosmo Cricket, Oh Joy, Christmas paper has arrived and I am SOOOOO excited to work on my album.

I LOVE great friends.

I LOVE my family.

Hopefully you'll get a real post from me soon...


  1. Same here! I just wonder if it is worse to leave a lame post or no post at all. To have people think you are boring,or to have them think you may be dead. Ah, the choices we must make! (ps, I was not refering to your post as lame!) Informative, insightful, compelling, especially the part about Aaron. The climactic point when you share the arrival of your papers. Oh, and how you closed with the 'family and friends' bit. Truly a classic.:)
    (BTW, i am seriously considering counting THIS as my post for today!)

  2. there's ALWAYS something going on! Like, for example, just today I actually slipped AND FELL on a banana peel. An actual, real, live, banana peel. see? you just have to know where to look for things to post (or just be a moron/klutz/spaz like me).

  3. Things will get better. You have good karma!

  4. Sorry about your fat excited you got your paper...glad you have great friends and family!
