Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh my word... Are you kidding me!

Okay, Seriously was not expecting anonymous hate comments about the car incident.

I guess I need to clarify. I thought the girl had cleared the front of my car. I bumped her calf on her back leg as it was swinging forward. The momentum of her swinging her leg, and my car bumping her, spun her around 180 degrees, facing the passenger side of my car. The front wheel rolled up on her foot before I could stop. I did not have any intention to actually hit her. I was just being careless and reckless.

Of course it was an accident. I was an immature, young teenager. I didn't understand how dangerous a car can be. I felt HORRIBLE when it happened, and I was very concerned for the girl, and whether she was okay. Maybe I was cavalier in how I told the story, but I guess I just didn't think about how other people might perceive the story. It did happen over 14 years ago...

Luckily, for her and for me, the results were not serious. No one was injured and I learned my lesson. I mean, really, do you think I ever got that close to pedestrians again, no matter how slowly they may have been walking?

Let me repeat again. I know know I was in the wrong, and I know what I did was stupid, and I know I could have really hurt that girl. And I know we both were very lucky things turned out like they did.

It's notable to mention that all the people who have commented who know me personally thought the story was humorous and insightful. Because they know me, and they know I am a caring, decent, person, who does not take the safety and welfare of others for granted. This happened a long time ago. I have children now too, and if someone ever hit one of them in a parking lot I would be absolutely livid.

I guess what I'm trying to say is we all do stupid things when we're young. It's the bad decisions that help us to grow up and mature into responsible, decent, adults. I'm glad I had this experience, that turned out this way to learn my lesson, and that it wasn't something much more serious. I was able to learn that a car is not a good tool to use to try to get respect, and I was able to learn respect for being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Now I can say that hitting that girl was the only accident I have ever been in, and I have a clean driving record. All because I was able to learn my lesson in the high school parking lot, diving less than one mile per hour. Yes, at the expense of this poor girl, but most of the lessons we learn from doing something stupid come at the expense of others. I did apologize profusely to her, and she did forgave me.

Anyone who wants to continue to post and tell me how horrible I am, please go ahead, I'm not going to stop you, and if you never want to read my blog again I have no problem with that either.

Tolerance people. It's all about tolerance...


  1. wow camille....
    I'm actually speechless that anyone would consider you irresponsible or cavalier. It would actually be laughable, if it didn't bother you so much. Those who know you KNOW :) That's all I'm saying!

  2. I wish I'd seen this before I posted my 2nd comment...

    My intent wasn't to hate on you, I was just shocked at what I was reading.

    Best of luck to you! :)

  3. Oh Camille: I am so sorry that people are taking this the wrong way. I am saddened that the people who were offended were not able to see that this was an incident that happened so long ago and that you were still a baby. We make mistakes and grow,it's called the journey of life. Even as adults we make decisions that change us for the rest of our lives. This incident I am sure was not something you took lightly at the time. Your spirit is one of compassion, love and strenght, and I have to agree with you, we must learn to be more tolerant and not so quick to judge. When we read these blogs, we only see the written words, but the truth is we don't really know the people (their hearts, minds,and souls) and it is very easy to misjudge someone so grossly and incorrectly. I have cried and felt joy reading your blog. We as people may not always agree with one another, but the true nature of a mature soul, can respect another inspite of the many differences. (I am so glad that you took the time to clarify this situation for those who were offended) I think that shows a great deal of character. You my dear are a wonderful talented, artist and I am proud to call you my friend.

  4. that video was hilarious! looks like you have some remorseful readers! wish mine would do that!

  5. Love you Cam! I'm surprised you felt the need to justify yourself. I hope this doesn't cause you to be too careful with every word you type, always wondering if someone is going to take something the wrong way.

  6. YEAH!!! I got your halloween kit!!! Can't wait!!! Keep up the good work..give us more hints about the Christmas should kit the whole christmas village you made last year!!!

  7. That video made me laugh out loud...I can't wait to show Tony!
    Hope you have a good day!
    Love ya!

  8. Man, I'm sorry you had to post after your original post! I feel like this, our blog is to post things in our lives, thoughts, memories, the good the bad and the not so fun. right? right! So with that, if your blog turned into be something that people were not happy with, then MOVE ON. No need for hate. Your honest, you put your story out there and in return have been slapped for it. SHAME ON THEM SISTER! Your post was not mena, cruel, or criminal for Heaven Sakes!
    Keep on doing what you do! I enjoy your blog, I love your talent and there will always be haters in the world who think they can cast the first stone. How wrong they are!
    Aaaand, your video cracks me up!
    Lighten up people!!! LIGHTEN UUUP!!!

  9. Wow Cam! I am just now catching up on blogs and shocked at the comments that you received. I can relate to stupid things done in HS. Everybody can relate. I am not sure how you can't. I actually started two blogs. One strictly for scrapbooking/crafts (so I can use it for business cards) the other for personal and still scrapbooking stuff. Not sure how you can't mix the two. Just amazes me how others perceive things and yes it happened way too long ago to take seriously. You can certainly tell you knows you and who does not.
