Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Three Thousand, Two Hundred, Fifty-Eight Days.

That's how long we made it. Eight years, eleven months, and 3 days...

Let me remind you how Aaron looked on Sunday:

Nice, huh. He's so handsome. I am SOOO glad we took pictures because today I am getting out of the shower and Aaron slides the blades of a pair of scissors under the door and calls out,


Um yes, go put them on mommy's desk and don't touch anymore. Those are not toys.

phew... crisis averted.

And then I open the door.

"Mommy, I have hair on me!"

Ah, crap.

Three thousand, two hundred and fifty eight days. that's how long I have been a mom, and how long we have managed to go without this ever happening.

Why did it have to be the one with my favorite hair?

"Aaron! Now we have to give you a new haircut to fix your hair!

"Is my hair broken?"

It is now....

Grrr... Darn if he isn't still cute.

It'll grow back, Right?


  1. The buzz looks great! It was time for a change right?

  2. I love the "is my hair broken" comment... hilarious! I can't believe it took so long to have one of your kids cut their own hair. What an achievement!!!

  3. I think as his father I should buzz my head too to show him support!!!

  4. Thank goodness hair grows back. Could you even imagine if it didn't.

  5. I like it!! At least he did it to himself and not Jennica!

  6. now he looks like he's ready for bootcamp! lol

  7. Oh yes he is still cute, and it's ONLY hair . it'll grow out again, ( it was not an ear or anything that WON'T grow out again).

  8. I have thankfully never had to deal with this...yet! I'm praying it won't! At least boy's hair grows back quick, right? :o)

  9. LOL!!!! HE is still delicious!!! It will grow back my friend...LOL.

  10. It was October last year when Julius cut off Bronwyn's hair...I remember very well how devastated I was. He sure does look cute though!

  11. ROFL!!!! So very sorry! that is funny. I remember when Abbie did that. Her hair was down the middle of her back. She was mad at Owen for going to Scout camp with out her and wanted to go. But she wasnt a boy. So she chopped it! I cried! :o)
    Bailee... I know is going to do this too. She is a girl, she is precocious, just like Abbie! lol

  12. Hey you visit often, but when I saw that I could not let pass without comment.
    Jajajajajajajajajajaja that laughter, these children often do everything ...
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    I hope that the translation is good and you can understand what I have written.

  13. Oh MY goodness Cam! This is so funny! Dont worry it will grow back and hes just as cute of not cuter with the hair gone!


  14. my 5 year old little girl.... cut her eyebrow (ya just one of them) off yesterday. why? because she wanted to see what it looked like.
    ya. I was ready to BEAT HER! I knew something looked off. just couldnt figure out what it was...
