Saturday, October 25, 2008

The top of Two Peas


Thanks again to all of you, my 2008 Christmas Village - Santa's Workshop album has been voted to the number one position on the Two Peas in a Bucket Gallery, and the number two position by views.

Personally, I take no shame, and find great honor in being second on the most views list to Katie Watson. She is amazing, I love her work. Katie is on the Maya Road design team and also the Paisley Pink design team, she also designs for 7 Gypsies. AND, she happens to be a friend of mine. :) Love her.

Thank you so much! Your support and nice comments build me up so much and mean more to me that you'll ever know. My Love Language is definitely "words of affirmation". I have to hear or read comments that my albums are good in order to believe it. Thanks for making my day!


  1. Well this is very very exciting but I already knew how awesome you are!!! Congrats xox

  2. How sweet you are!! Love your latest project! You put so much time into your's amazing! Love looking at all the litte details!!

  3. YAY!!! congratulations!!! That's SO awesome!

  4. Now wait a minute. Your work is NOT "good". Not by a long shot! It is absolutely nothing short of spectacularly fabulous! :)

  5. Everything is so beautiful and clever and amazing! I can't wait to see your next kit.
