Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's personal...

I've been so busy lately and focused on my scrapbooking that I've stopped including anything personal on my blog. It wasn't intentional, it just sort of happened.

And so today... It's personal.

I know I'm starting off talking about my scrapbook kits, but it's such a part of my life that I can't skip over it. I am so happy with how things have been going. There is no question that the Lord has been guiding my every inspiration. I'm not sure why I have been blessed so much, but I'm so grateful. I've noticed that when there is peace and love in my home I can create with little effort and the inspiration comes so easily. When there is contention or discord I am severely hampered. I have worked very hard to develop the talents I have been given, but I simply cannot take the credit.

As of now, I'm a bit discouraged about my latest album. It hasn't done as well on the Two Peas board, and I haven't gotten much feedback on it. This might come across as very petty, but I thrive on response from others. It makes me wonder one of two things. 1. Either the album is not as good as some of my previous albums, or 2. People are becoming bored with my work. Maybe I need to renovate my ideas a bit and do something a little bit new and fresh. I do have some ideas I'm excited to work on. I love the house shaped albums, but maybe they are getting a bit overused. Makes me kind of excited, feeling this way. When I first had the idea to do a house shaped acrylic album back in September of 2007, I was so anxious to start. I get all giddy and my palms get clammy. That's kind of how this is making me feel now. The idea of beginning to move in a different direction is exhilarating! Over the next few weeks I will be finishing up my Santa's Village Christmas Album set (album three is coming along so quickly that it may just be ready by Monday!!), once the set is finished I have an idea for a calendar album set that I've been wanting to do for years that involves houses. After that I'm going to TRY focusing on something new and different. Not sure what yet. Should be interesting.

Yes, I saw it. Yes, I loved it. there were some things about the movie I didn't care for as much... probably the same things everyone else has complained about. Overall, I thought the transition from book to movie well pretty well done. I do feel strongly that the movie is only a companion to the book, and should not be experienced without reading the book. In order to fit the story line into an acceptable movie time it was necessary to cut a lot of details from the book. The details were not super important in building the plot, but really important in building the characters into what we know and love.

I saw the movie with Jesse Edwards. She is so much fun. I spent the wait before the movie being entertained by Jesse's latest comical adventures, mostly involving her ending landing on her rear end in front of a group of people. Jesse is so much fun, we had a great time.

Amanda Olsen had planned to meet up with us at the movie, but her ticket ended up being for another theater. :( I was pretty bummed. I haven't talked to Amanda in person since we were in high school and I was looking forward to spending some time with her.

Aaron the Cooker:

Aaron has found an apron and he is now a self proclaimed chef. He says, "I am a cooker, and do you know what a cooker does? They cook food, like a chhhhhhhef."

One morning he came straight out of his room first thing in the morning and asked me to tie his apron. Makes me want to kiss the cooker!


  1. LOL the "Naked Chef" (so that's who the show is about...

  2. Your son is sooo cute in that picture!!!

    Camille, your album kits are incredible beautiful! Please do not get discouraged. It seems like the holidays are quickly approaching and people are scrambling to get things done. I know its this way for me. In fact I haven't been on 2peas for a week now.

  3. I loved your review...1st positive one I have read besides my own. I loved that movie so much..and that is not always the case after seeing it 3 x this weekend.
    Edward really seemed perfect as the movie progressed. I am so excited that we will go through this again with new moon.

    oh and your naked chef is precious!

  4. So it's good to see you back! I think your albums are great. I think people are just weird. I agree with the girl above though, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and then Christmas, so I don't know that people have as much time to browse the chat boards...they are all scrambling to get it together! I so so SO love those pictures in the apron. Precious!

  5. i heart personal 4 ever!!! and aaron is so cute.....i wish justin could see this stuff.....

  6. Camille, I'm so sorry that you are doubting yourself! Your albums are exquisite, absolutely beautiful. If I could afford it, I would own ALL of them. You are an inspiration. Thank you for that.

  7. Yes, Camille, all your work is awesome. You are so talented and your work is exquisite and unique. I especially love the cookie cafe. What a cute idea.
    I was sad not to meet up with you at Twilight too. Next time....
