Sunday, November 2, 2008

What to do...

How do you help someone...

...when you can't take away their pain.

...When you've said everything you can think to say and it really hasn't helped.

...when you can't turn back time.

...when in your naive way, you think you know what's best for them, but can't force them to make the decision you want them to make, even though you really don't want to force them, you just want them to make the decision on their own.

...when you can't tell them everything is going to be okay.

...when they are cutting a new path.

...when they are going their own way.

...when you just don't know what to do.

...when there is nothing you can do.

How do you help?


  1. You just be there. You let them know you there and you take a step back and let them be okay! It's hard when you feel so powerless, but there really just isnt anything you can do... just be there and be patient... This one is out of our hands. Just as they are, you need to give this one to God and let him take control. You are a beautiful friend/ sister/ mother/ daughter/ in-law. They know you are there if they need you. I love you xox

  2. me? I help by just standing by them. No matter what. I hang on.

  3. Oh gosh, that's a hard one, especially when we feel powerless to help. I guess you pray, and have faith that God knows what He's doing. And how you help? I would stand by the person, praying the whole way, staying unwavering in my beliefs but at the same time supporting them at every moment, and make sure that they know that even in the midst of everything that is going on, God is constant, and so am I.

  4. I think just having you for a friend/support will do wonders camille! hope it all works out

  5. LOVE THEM. It rips your heart out, I know :( but trust me... if you say things they don't want to hear and they are going a way that is not "good" for them, they will just stay away because it is easier then facing you, especially if they know that you know who you are and what is right.You don;t have to love what they do, or who they begn to become...just love them and let them know it. Love Stacy

  6. Our family has a similar situation as some of what you are describing. We just love her unconditionally and pray for her all of the time. Thankfully she knows what is right and has just chosen not to believe at the moment. She knows where we all stand and we continue to talk about what we do and she listens and joins in conversations. She still knows that we love her. I think that is all that you can really do but it still goes a really long way.
