Sunday, January 4, 2009

I think I'll have a party for myself...

Tomorrow the kids go back to school.!

Not that I don't love them and enjoy spending time with them, it's just that I also really enjoy "me" time... and I haven't gotten much of that lately.

Woot! Woot!! Yay for school!!


  1. Yipee... Im thinking the same thing... kind of... I will miss them too. But hey, really quickly, I tagged you! :o) Its about your hubby!

  2. Gunnar goes back to preschool tomorrow and just thinking of that 1.5 hours of me time made me sooo excited. I know the feeling.

  3. I am so with you there! I just about danced a jig when I put Michael on the bus this morning because I can finally get caught up again! :)

  4. when Gavin starts school I'm going to quit my job and nap all day (They have all day kindergarten here) Sweet. I'm jealous he has scheduled "naptime" at preschool

  5. My hubby teaches so he went back, and I was happy not to have another mess-maker in the house. :)
