Monday, January 26, 2009

My New Coat!

Remember this?

Woot! I finished my new coat and I LOVE it.

I had this vintage fabric my grandma had given me. The pattern required 2 5/8 yards, but the piece was only about 1 7/8 yards so I had to do some finagling and alterations to the original design in order to make it work. When I was finished cutting out the pattern I didn't even have a piece left over large enough to save... and I'll save scraps if I think there is any possible way I might be able to use it.

The pattern doesn't line up exactly, but that's seriously the only thing that really bothers me... which is pretty good... cause sometimes when I finish making something I want to put it straight into the Goodwill pile.

The coat is made of a woven fabric and fully lined with white nylon. I even made covered buttons, which is a first for me.

You will also notice I did not take my own pictures this time.... Yes, Aaron, my 4 year old took them for me. No, he's not available to do weddings. Sorry.

I just love the coat... let me know what you thing.


  1. I absolutely love it. If the economy collapses, I am calling you to make all my clothes for me. :) You are one incredibly talented person!!!

  2. :) We can trade... I'll take your fresh garden produce...

  3. LOVE IT! I love that you know how to do stuff like this...I wouldn't know where to start (shoulda paid attention when my mom tried to teach me to sew...don't tell her that though, she doesn't need another reason to tell me, "I told you so!") :)

  4. Is this the coat you had on at church yesterday? It looks great!

  5. Oh my gosh, it is amazing! I want one!

  6. BTW, I know my pants look retarded. I need to just take them up..

  7. That coat is so darn awesome! Many people pay quite a bit for something like that. I wish I had that skill.

  8. So cute Camille! I know what you mean about finishing something and wanting to give it to Goodwill. Most of the time I like my sewing results, but other times I wouldn't be caught dead in my creation. And the cuffs with the covered buttons are the perfect addition to an amazing design.

  9. So how do you make coverd buttons? I've always wondered how to do it, but never knew how. Your coat looks great :o)

  10. I saw it on you yesterday at church and LOVED IT!!!

  11. Wow. Awesome coat. I love it. When you outgrow it can I have it? I have some sexy black boots that would go great with it.

  12. I already told you but I don't want your millions of friends to think that your bff hasn't even commented. So again... I so adore this coat. Another demonstration of your fantastic talent. I think you're so great!!! ohh and I see you developed a complex about your daggy jeans... don't take what I say to heart, I am a complete dork! (and fashion retard!)

  13. Wow...I love it!!! I want one!!! in Miami I promise to wear it! You are so talented girl! Wish I lived close to you so that some of that awesomeness rubbed off on me!!!

  14. Once again I am amazed! This coat is incredible...And you look great wearing it. I love your new entry table BTW. It looks great!
