Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Sweet Sunday Pictures

Remember this post, all about the cute little drawings and love notes my kids made for me during church? I thought I'd share today's pictures with you too.

It all started with this pictures. Jennica drew it and said, "this is me, and this is you."

I leaned over to her and said, Why do I have to be the fat one?"

She thought that was hilarious, and so she drew this picture of me next:

Then this one...

Next came the creation of The Fat Book.

Yes, that little ball at the top is my head, and can you see my little pudgy hands sticking out on the sides? At least I've managed to maintain my skinny little legs.

And this is another picture of me. She drew the "skinny" one first, and I mentioned I must be losing weight, so she scribbled it out and "fixed" it.

You might notice there is no "Jennica" in The Fat Book. I guess that means she's leaving the family if we all decide to chunk up.

I'm keeping this book forever.

And I'm going back on my diet. As soon as I finish this banana cream pie...


  1. nice. i love the one where your body is pretty much taking up the entire page. and I think Jennica is in there somewhere, you just can't see her past all the rest of you fatties.

  2. Hilarious... and so politically correct!!! I am so awfully paranoid about the comments my kids make in public that the word 'fat' is now banned in our house. One day when I was in the material shop one of the kids (Emi I think who was 3 at the time) at the top of her lungs announces "Look mummy, that lady over there must have a biiigg baby in her tummy" I swear I almost died. The lady in fact was probably in her 50s and rather 'large'. I was sooo embarrassed, I felt terrible. That poor women's feelings. SO... fat is banned in our house. If we have to talk about someone who's 'large' then it's done in a quiet voice where no-one but mummy can hear! My poor kids must feel like they live in a prison camp! Oh my, I'm taking over your blog, sorry :)

  3. Too cute. Don't you love scanners?
