Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Herb Chicken in a Creamy Tofu Sauce Over Spinach

Herb Chicken in a Creamy Tofu Sauce over Spinach

Yeah, It really is good. Really good.

To start heat about 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large non stick skillet over medium high heat.

Once the oil is sizzling hot, add thawed chicken in a single layer.

Season with finely chopped herbs. Fresh are best, but right now I only have fresh rosemary.

I use Rosemary, Basil, and Dill.

Lightly salt and pepper.

In the mean time, add about 3/4 cup soft tofu, 1/2 cup of water, and 1 tablespoon (more or less depending on how thick you like your sauce) to the blender and blend till smooth.

Once the first side of the chicken is golden brown, flip it over, and season the other side.

Next, take about 3-4 tablespoons of sliced almonds, and crush them with your fingers and sprinkle over the chicken while it's cooking.

Once the chicken is golden brown, and cooked through, remove it to a serving dish.

Reduce heat. Reserve all of the drippings and oil, and pour the tofu/corn starch mixture straight into the skillet.

Stir with a wire wisk. Once it starts to boil stir for one minute and remove from heat.

Stir in about 1/2 cup of parmasean cheese.

Pour over chicken.

Serve with lightly buttered cooked spinach.

I started making this dish last summer and my whole family likes it so much that I make it three or four times a month.



  1. I guess I have to buy some soft tofu now. That will be a first for this firm tofu girl.

  2. yeah, well I guess I'm gonna have to start buying soft tofu too... buying tofu will be first...

  3. That looks SUPER good! I am kind of afraid of Tofu, though!!! I will be BRAVE and give it a try!
