Friday, April 24, 2009

Vincent Andrew McClelland -April 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby. I miss you.


  1. I've been thinking a lot about you this week.

    I always feel like time should stop for a while on days like today. It would be only fair to honor someone we lose if everything would just stop. It never does, though, and teeth still have to be brushed and dishes have to be done and people still have to go to work and it all seems silly and insignificant compared with something so life-altering that happened on this day.

    I don't know if this idea is similar to what you were writing the other day about wanting things to be over, but I think so. Or maybe it's just my way of thinking about it. It's unfair that we have to keep going, are forced to move on when we don't want to.

    Anyway, love and hope to you. I don't know how you feel, but I am thinking about you.

  2. Ann is definately onto something there. I understand. You want the world to stop and remember but everything just seems to keep going. I am thinking of you my BFF, wishing there was a way to ease some of your pain. I love you more than words can say xox

  3. Thinking of you and your family -

  4. Please know I think of you often,


  5. I knew it was happening soon, but I didnt realise that I had missed it. Im sorry. What Ann said was beautiful.
