Monday, June 29, 2009

13 months of sweat and tears....

May 2008: One month postpartum, approximately 160 lbs.

June 2009: 13 months postpartum, approximately 210 miles of jogging, and 70 morning work out routines. 119 lbs.

That's my high school graduation weight folks. I honestly didn't think I would ever see that number again.

I am very happy.


  1. My hat is definitely off to you! Good job! You look awesome!

  2. So your telling me there is a chance for me too after all. You look awesome! I hope that some day I can look like you again too.

  3. that is the most amazing accomplishment ever...congrats to you girl!! you look hot girl!

  4. Awesome, awesome, awesome!!! You look amazing!! PS you weigh less than me. Love you!

  5. Cami you look freaking amazing!!! Dang women, HOT STUFF! Can't wait to see you in person, 9wks and 3 sleeps now xox

  6. AMAZING! Ok...motivation is starting to kick in...

  7. WAY TO GO!!!! You are inspiring... now if I can just put down the diet pepsi can... ;o)
