Monday, June 15, 2009

Run away screaming...

House plants everywhere:

I am putting you on official warning.

I really tried to keep this one alive. It was a gift from my very good friends, Amanda an Emi, in memory of my sweet little boy Vincent.

House plants and I don't really get along well. This one went as far as decapitation rather than stay one more minute with me. Our relationship didn't even last 2 months. :(

Poor little guy...


  1. I'm the same way! KG gave me the coolest Orange flowering plant for Mother's Day and try as I might, it's dieing. :(

  2. Im so very sorry.... :o( I have some pretty hearty ones... :o) would you like one? Owen nearly killed it 15 years ago... and I have literally butchered it sooooo many times.... I would love to share it! :o)

  3. I have this awesome banana plant that not a half hour after I transplanted it into a nicer pot my 3 yr old decapitated it. I was so upset that I left it. Funny thing is before I got around to disposing of it three days later it started to regrow off a different part of the root. Now I have three plants from the one!

  4. For some reason I have been able to keep alive two plants. One from when I left work about 3 years ago. The other fron high school days. How did that happen. I have managed to kill some of the easiest plants to grow but these keep going. I love that yellow pot.

  5. oh we are so offended, aren't we Amanda? at least you didn't do that to our head(s)

  6. I'm totally laughing right now. I have to let you in a little secret. I didn't want to mention this before but said house plant was purchased on clearance if you know what I mean. I am so sorry to put you through another loss. :(
