Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pics from my phone

I have a new cell phone. It's a Motorola W755. Nothing special, but it has taken me hours to figure out how to get the pictures from my phone to my computer.

Here's what I have to do... first individual select each picture on my phone and move it to the phone memory card.

Turn off the phone, remove the battery and remove the memory card.

Put the memory card into the adapter and put the adapter into my printer card reader.

Access my printer card reader from my computer.

select, edit, download.

open Picasso.
import pics, edit, export.

ahhhhhh! And I did all of this just so you can see the fab pics from my phone.

My nephew Cruz. He loves to hang out in the car and drive. He's so dang cute. 18 months old.

In Linkon city I was digging for agates around the tidal pools and this fish swims over and hangs out splashing around. It was so unusual. The fish is about 16-18 inches long or so, and I took this picture with my phone about 24 inches from the fish. It stayed there the whole time I was there. I wondered if it might have been sick, or something was wrong with it. It had easy access back to deeper water, but it would not take it.

And here is one mornings agate, shell, rock collection. pretty huh. I went every morning. the agate treasure hunt was addictive.

On the beach in Lincoln city:

My feet when we finally arrived and got to the water. Look how happy my toes are.

This is a little bag I made for one of Jennica's friends for her brithday. I hope she likes it.

Self portrait right after I colored my hair yesterday. wanted to check the color in the sunlight. I was concerned it would be too brassy, but I really like it.

Check this out! I never met famous people, but we stopped in baker city oregon for dinner and look who walked in: It's Maxine!

My beautiful sister Jill.

((And the reason I feel like I have weight issues.))

Sun bathing in Lincoln City. I <3 my Roxy hat.

The pictures were worth it, right? :) love you too.


  1. I'm so proud of you for figuring out your camera. what would we do without those fabulous pictures?

  2. Love the pix. That process makes me so happy for my iphone! ;)

  3. You're right. Those pictures were worth every second. I especially love the one of Maxine. Did you get her autograph?

  4. Adorable bag you made. She does look like Maxine! :)

  5. Cute pics!

    I tried sending you a message on FB, but then it crashed.

    Hey, do you still have that cabinet in your garage that you mentioned was the same as the one I painted and put in my kitchen? If so, are you interested in possibly selling it?

    If you've already done something with it, nevermind. I have a sister-in-law that was looking for something similar to mine. let me know!



  6. oh, you can just send me a message on FB. I was too lazy to log back in. LOL
