Friday, October 2, 2009

You're opinion wanted...

I am altering some homecoming formals and I know this is sad.. and a bit pathetic, but I FREAKING miss formal events, and I can't help trying on the dresses.. partly because I need to in order to check the fit and partly because I LOVE formal wear.

I am such an, " I wanna go back to high school just so I can go to prom again!" kind of girl.

Anyway, here's my big question...

Would it be completely tacky to take pictures of myself in the dresses and post them on my blog??

Yeah, you're probably right..

Dang it.

I might just do it anyway.


  1. lol this post totally made me smile!! I LOVE dressing up in formals too, and wish I had a reason to do it again! Post away!!

  2. LOL probably not my place. But I say do what makes you feel good... If it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone go for it!! ;)

  3. Go for it! Who cares what people think? Sometimes it is fun to reminisce and wish things had been just a little bit different.

  4. ♫♪It's your blog and you can do what YOU want to♪♪ ♫ xoxooo

  5. Go for it. Who cares what others think.

  6. there's more than one?? I will be right over! We can take pics of eachother....I think i have a corsage around here somewhere.....

  7. Shawna, you are soo funny! Cam, glad you did it... loved it!

  8. Saige and Morgans dresses! you look like a total babe in them!!!
