Thursday, January 14, 2010


Sometimes things work out. Sometimes.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. Things have been so busy. I need to update, but I have no really interesting news to share with you..

Good heavens there is plenty of gossipy crap going on in my life to keep you all busy and occupied for ages, but nothing I want to share with the world..

You know those times in your life when all the stars and planets seem to align and everything goes exactly as you would have hoped.. usually better.. when everything: relationships, work, friends, dieting, family, clothes, hair, projects.... just everything is right were you want it.

Wouldn't it be amazing if things were like that all the time? I know, and I believe, that our problems and struggles help us to grow and develop, so I suppose when things are going perfectly perfect we're not advancing, but still, I think I could use a few non advancing days. Is that so wrong?

I think right now I am only going to focus on what is going right... because that's way more fun that focusing on what's going wrong and feeling down about it for the rest of the night.

I got it back! My crafting abilities that is.. after my horrendous Christmas album, I couldn't even finish the 2009 set.. and then my friend who has a scrapbooking line sent me some of her line so I could show her what I could do with it... and everything seemed to be aligned against me... But now.. I'm back baby!

Okay, I made this airplane years ago, but I recently came across it and I love it. It's one of my favorite projects.

I'm doing some design for a friend for CHA's (that's the national Craft and Hobby Association) huge semi annual wholesaler trade show. There are probably tens of thousands of people who end up contributing projects and work that is displayed for the retailers so I shouldn't be so excited, but I TOTALLY am. I am thrilled. I even had the chance to go to the show and work a booth, but it's in the middle of the week and I don't want to take the time off from my full time job... more on that later.. I can't show you the projects I'm working on till after CHA, but I'll give you a peak of one of them..

Here is what I started with:

And after I ripped all the crappy black fabric off and removed the hanger things., (hmm.. maybe I should have blurred the picture...)

Then started redesigning:

O0op! That's all I'm going to show you... Well okay, I'll give you a little peak at her lacy petticoat..

But that's it!

Back to the time off.. It's my first year with my employer so I only have two weeks vacation time.. and I'm totally going to end up going over that..

In Feb I am going BACK to Brave Girls Camp, and in June I am going to Australia!

Brave girls camp. I'm going as staff again, which I love. I am so excited to be a part of something with so much power to be a positive influence on women. Not to mention the personal recharge I get while I am there and the amazing strong women who become life long friends. There should be 24 of us there this time.

Australia! Holy crap. I need a passport. Holy crap. I'm going to have a passport with a stamp in it. Holy crap I am finally going to be able to meet my besties family and spend time on her side of the world!

Ali and I have been best friends since about June of 2004. I know... that sounds so high school cliche, but she is absolutely the best friend I have ever had. She came to visit me last summer, and now it's my turn. Andy promised to do everything in his power to make sure I was able to go. I know it's a sacrifice, but I have to do it.. otherwise I will put it off... and put it off... indefinately forever, waiting for things to be perfect, and they never will be.

I know, it hasn't been that long since I posted these same pictures on my blog.. but freak... we have 6 years of history and only two weeks of pictures together.

Townsville... here I come.

Have I mentioned I can't wait to go to Australia?

Things are going really great at work. I love my job. It challenges me. I have so much to learn...

My kids are amazing.

They are so smart and working so hard to get along and be their best.

Noah is 10 now.. that means it won't be much longer before we can trust him to babysit anytime. Really happy about that. Just gave him his practice spelling test for the week and as usual he aced it. I don't know why I bother to "correct" them when there is never anything to correct.

Jennica gets more and more beautiful everyday and is such a lady. I am really enjoying the friendship we are developing as mother and daughter.

There is not a day that goes by that Aaron does not tell everyone in the family they are beautiful, or handsome at least 5 times.... and he still likes to sit on my lap.. even though he doesn't really fit very well anymore, he's getting so tall.

I got to see my brother and sister in law on New Years Day. They are the only family that doesn't live in the area and I miss them so much. xoxox

And my youngest brother is ENGAGED!

Not the best picture, but seriously... They are so cute. Go Al.

That about wraps it up.

Hope you've enjoyed your stay. Come back soon.

I'll leave the light on for you.



  1. Cam---I loved reading this! I am SO excited to see the rest of your CHA projects....the suspense is killer. I am even MORE excited to spend ANOTHER week in the mountains with you. How fun that you get to go spend time with your bestie in Australia! Lucky you!!!

  2. LOVE the update - and I'm with Chelsea - the suspense is killer! :) I AM SO SO SO excited that you'll be at Brave Girls Camp AND that I get to ride with you!!! Lucky lucky me. :) Love seeing the pic of Justin and Kat AND that Alex is engaged - I just love that Serra family! :)
    Love you!!!


    In case you think I said "love" too many times, you're wrong. Maybe I was trying to see how many times I could say it in 2 run-on sentences. Ever think of that? ;)

  3. Would love to see what you did for CHA. :) Congrats to your brother.
