Tuesday, March 30, 2010

And the Winner is....

Yay! Woot! Congrats to Surbhi Jain!

Surbhi Jain said...

Giveaways bring such a lot of excitement to win even if I lose all the time!! Count me in :)

March 25, 2010 3:54 AM

Okay, So I still can't really tell you what your prize will be because it's not official yet, but I will making you a beautiful handmade item...

...and I am legally bound not to give anymore information till tomorrow...... TOP SECRET!

So Exciting! I totally want to spill it... but I can't..

Be excited... be very excited!!

Stay tuned....


  1. YAAAAY!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS Surbhi!!! Whatever it is from Camille, you will LOVE it!!!!!!

  2. Thanks Camille! I am really excited for the giveaway! I have not been very lucky to win giveaways and this is my first one :)
    Thanks alot! Love you blog! Especially the header!
