Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chocolate Stuffed French Toast and Asparagus Tofu Smoothies. (Yup. You read that right.)

My friend Chelsea showed me how to make the best french toast in the world. And even though I am suppose to be watching what I eat, I was absolutely dieing for it tonight. so I decided to go all out... Heavy cream...

Oh and um, Chelsea.. I found out how to make it even better...

So here's how I made it. I have no measurements cause that's just not how I cook.

Take some bread... soft french bread is the best, but I used whole wheat cause it's what I had..

And make a strawberry cream cheese sandwich.

Mix up some french toast egg and milk batter... I used heavy cream.. it was really thick, but SOOO yummy, and the finished product didn't need butter.

ADD to the batter about 1/4 cup cocoa powder (one medium tap) and about 1/8 cup sugar(one small pour) and stir well.

Cut the sandwiches in half and dip in the batter. Place the sandwich halves in your waffle iron and smoosh till closed.

When the little "ready" light comes on, take them out and plate with powdered sugar and syrup.

Holy freaking yum. Oh you have no idea....

So while I was making these I was stressing (that's my favorite past time) about the meal not being filling enough, not to mention nutritious.

So hmmm... smoothies. I have tofu... I have lemons and limes, and OH what's this?? My husband bought my asparagus! (He really must love me!)

I wonder.....

Yeah, I agree.

TOTALLY worth trying.


One package soft tofu

Juice of one lemon and one lime.

One pound asparagus. Trim ends and cook in microwave. Once tender, run asparagus under cold water till cool. Break off only the softest parts of the top of the stem, no stringy bits!

About 1 cup ice

About 1 cup milk.

About 1/4 cup honey, to taste.


You can thank me later.

xoxo Cam


  1. Hahaha...I loved this post. I love that you love the waffled stufffed french toast so much....I love that you added chocolate and heavy cream....and most of all, I love that you added a TOFU ASPARAGUS smoothie to add nutrition!!!! I am going to have to take your word on the smoothie, it looks good in the blender, but I think I prefer chewing my asparagus, not drinking it! :)

  2. ohhh I think I could definitely get my kiddos to eat this yummy meal! Breakfast for dinner tomorrow night it is!... I'll letcha know what Ms. Izzie-bizzie thinks of it ;)

  3. Yay for Am-e for being brave!!

  4. I love asparagus, but in a smoothie??? The waffle french toast looks positively sinful. I must try that SOON! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ok... since I don't have Izzie-bizzie for St. Patty's we did our St. Patty meal tonight.

    Dyed the french toast green. Lots of green fruit and to top it off Asparagus Tofu Smoothie! Haha, soooo I was a BIG fan of the smoothie. Izzie hated it... Elliott kept asking me if it was ice cream. I tried to play it off to Izzie that it was a lemon/lime ice cream smoothie. One sip and she said "It tastes like you ground up green beans in it!" "Nope, not green beans... asparagus!".. she about hurled.

    It was awesome.

    As if the chocolate stuffed french toast wasn't enough we made some green (aka red) velvet cupcakes as our activity together.


  6. VERY interesting, will have to try it out! and thank you for showing me Brave Girls camp, i am SO exited to go in July! i really need the ME time! i found it when i randomly came to your blog and i am SO grateful i did, so thank you for posting about it!


  7. So excited for you Laci! You will love Brave Girls. Can't wait to meet you!

  8. I didn't realize I wasn't a follower....weird. Well, I am now! And that asparagus smoothie looks awesome!

  9. No. No I will not try that chocolatey goodness. *GULP*
