Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jurra Does More than Just Announcements...

Meet Jeri Lynn.

Jeri Lynn is absolutely amazing. She has a unique independent spirit, and she is brave enough to follow where it leads her. Even when the decisions are hard and ... and even when the decisions are painful. She reminds me of who I wish I had been when I was her age. I admire her so much. She is a very special friend of mine... and very talented.

I LOVE her style.

Jeri Lynn is a graphic designer... just starting out.. but you would never know it.

If you've been to my blog in the last 3 years then you're well aware of how much help it needed. I can handle basic editing, and I can build a design with premade digital elements, but that is as far as my graphic design talents go. And so naturally, I hired Jeri Lynn to build me a new tag and a new background. LOVE LOVE LOVE what she came up with. Made a few changes to the background papers to accommodate my blog format, and wah-lah, Gorgeous. She nailed my style.


Jeri Lynn specializes in announcements... graduation, weddings, baby... you name it. Check it out: HERE

Oh, and here's fair warning: Around graduation time... might want to get your orders in early. Jurra gets pretty busy.

xoxo Cam