Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Have you any Rendi?

 I've done it.

I've signed up for my first ever network marketing opportunity. 

I'm in shock. 

I have always been sooooo anti-network marketing.  I won't listen to pitches, I'm not interested, and I don't want my friends to bug me about joining.... and I wouldn't want to bug my friends about joining... or buying... either. 

Then came Rendi.  I'm not going to tell you much about, just why I decided to go for it.

1.  First and for most, my number 1.  Rendi is a part of an established 20 year company with a great reputation for quality and ethical business practices... AND they are completely new to the home party market.  Literally Zero market saturation.... Okay they did launch on October 1, 2010, so maybe .0000000001% market saturation..At this point there have probably only been a small handful of parties that have even been hosted across the entire nation... and  by a handful I'm talking about less than 30.  Brand new market.

2. Brand new concept in product and home parties.  The Rendi products are beautiful pieces of wall art, customized with your sentiments, quotes, names, dates etc.  Your order is placed via the website and the product is created and shipped, here in the US (Trinity, Colorado to be exact) and shipped within 48 hours.  AND the prices are extremely affordable. And my good Friend Melody Ross designed one of the lines and I love, love, love her artwork.  At the home parties guests are encouraged to bring their laptops, and place their orders online.  The only product you bring to the party are the personal pieces you have purchased for your home.  No inventory to carry.

3.   Next, and more important tome than the products:  I have had the privilege of conferencing directly with Annie Danielson, the founder of Danielson Designs and Rendi, and I am sooooo impressed with her.  For about 30 minutes Annie spoke of her love and passion for personal development, and especialy for the joy she feels when women grow and do things they never thought they could ever do.  She is passionate about helping women grow and recognize their inner strength, and accomplish dreams they believed were completely out of reach.  You could almost feel the tangible passion in her voice and words. 

Danielson Designs has always utilized women, stay at home moms, single moms, etc.  in the production of their products.  Giving women the opportunity to work from home while adding to their household income.  This is something I am passionate about.  I own a fulfillment company and I try to do the same, taking projects that I can assign out to stay at home and single moms who desperately need the income, and desperately need to be home for their children.  It helps these women be able to accomplish what is most important to them.

After the 30 minutes Annie spent discussing her passion for helping women to grow, she said goodbye...  not a word about sales, revenue, recruiting, money...  Not a word about build, build, build, go go go... sell sell sell that I would have expected from the owner of a new company pre launch.  I honestly believe Annie is 100 times more passionate about helping women succeed and follow their dreams than she is about "getting rich." And the staff at Rendi seems to mirror Annie's sentiments. The environment is extremely positive and supportive. Please don't mistake my words to imply Rendi is not going to be financially successful.  They will be.  No question.

4. And Finally, the affiliations, structure of Rendi, and their compensation plan.  The compensation plan is truely one of the best in the market.  Extremely well thought out.  Rewarding of hard work, and quite high paying compared to the rest of the home party market. Months and months and months of planning has gone into the development of the plan, utilizing industry experts, and professionals to ensure no detail is left unattended.  And of course, Rendi is a HUGE supporter of BRAVE GIRLS!!!  Brave Girls Club is also an independent stylist, and have asked me to be involved with training and managing a portion of our team.  I have also been selected to be a part of a small group of about 10 people who make up the Rendi Leadership team.  As such I receive specialized training, and new announcements before general release.  Personal training meetings occur at least once a week with in-depth discussion about every aspect of Rendi.  It's amazing, and provided with all the tools I need to help my team be successful. 
Rendi is going places.  Fast and big, and I'm going with them.  Would love to have you come along. If you'd like more information please check out my website, or shoot me an email. 

Love you.  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie, so THRILLED to be part of your team... so happy... u are right... we're definitely going places! Love this company!!! HUGS and why not help Melody and Kathy get their dream realized sooner? I'm so on board!!! hugs you xxoxoxo LOVE YOU
