Saturday, December 11, 2010

By Popular Demand:::

I've been all over town buying up all the best vintage necklaces, and jewlery findings.... 

I should have initial postings in my Etsy store (which has not been created yet) by Sunday night. 

I am so excited... and nervous.

In an effort to expand my color pallet I am making necklaces and naming them after my friend's color style.. 

Because my friends have GREAT style.

I have also decided in an effort to combat the copycats, all my necklaces will be signed and number and come with a certificate of authenticity. 

Maybe that's presumptuous
of me to assume people
are going to care,
but I know I would. 

Always support the original artists.
It means a lot. 


They are coming....  soon. 


  1. Hurray!!! Your store is going to be amazing! I can't wait to go shopping there! You can do this-enjoy the ride sweetie!

  2. I still have to wait! Come on Cam.....I'm dying to see them. I love the purples, greens and teals that I see in your picture. That is my FAVORITE color pallet right now....I want to make a quilt in those colors.
    I'll be waiting for a link to your shop!

  3. so excited!!!

    your necklaces are WONDERFUL! Just like you!!!
    can't wait to come shopping!!!

    i am next on the "etsy train"...been contemplating for nearly a year!!! thinkin it's time to jump on the train!!!!

    love this!!!!!!!


  4. Hurry before my husband finishes his Christmas shopping!!!!!

  5. Yeah...can't wait to see your store and shop!!!

  6. Can't wait to see these. You have always been so talented so I don't doubt that you will do well. I love Etsy as a platform.

  7. You are SO freaking amazing... I don't know how you find the time to be so talented! I can't wait to see more of these fabulous pieces! You're gonna get too famous to still be my bestfriend if you keep this up! Love you so much xox
