Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years Resolution -Number 1

I know I'm a bit early with the whole resolutions bit...  but I was going to blog tonight about Christmas...  starting now..

and it's 10:36 PM...

and I have to work tomorrow at 7:00 am, with a 25 minute commute... 

so if I want to be on time I have to leave at 6:35..

and if I want to wear clothes I have to get up at 6:25...

and if I want to not look like I drove to work with my head out the window I have to get up at 6:15..

and if I want to wash my face and brush my teeth, well then better make it 6:10...

and if I want a shower, 5:55...

and if I want to jog... so that I have a reason for needing a shower.. well then I need to be up by 5:25...

and I REALLY want to get back in the habit... 

My muscles have no tone, and there are (gulp) jiggles. (( ew. ))

All that and my endurance is that of a...



 ...person with really crappy endurance.

10:45!!  Must sleep. 

See you on the flip side.


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha... as if you only take 5 mins in the shower, and 10 mins to do your hair... you can't fool your bestie!

    PS. you could drive to work with your hair out the window and still be beautiful! love you millions and am missing you like crazy xox
