Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cam Gets Forked...

While I was in McCall, ID visiting my favorite antique store I came across a beautiful antique silver fork.  I bought it..  so I could make a fork bracelet.  I've been dragging my feet because I've never made a bracelet out of silverware... and I really wanted it to be good.  
First I cleaned all the tarnish off, then headed out to the garage, and the bench vise.

Yes, I did bend it right around my wrist...

and then realized I.. um... couldn't get it off.

I worked the metal until I had it just where I wanted it, and then...

...finally, after a long wait, I got forked.

And it was totally worth it.

Want me to fork you? 
Just let me know.



  1. So cool! Love it! I'd make myself one, only we don't have a bench vice.

    YET!! Bwaaa Haaa!

  2. Stick a fork in me please!That is so cute! I've got some great old silverware! Miss you and your beautiful smile!! Shelley

  3. yes, I would loved to be forked!! lol! how much for you to make me one? love and miss you bunches cam! {{hugs}}

  4. um...YES! fork much? serious much?
