I'm just going to write for a minute about the baby crib.

A few days ago I saw a listing on Craig's List for someone needing a crib so I emailed her. I hadn't really thought about selling the crib, and I'm not sure I was totally ready to sell it. I'm a lot more upset at seeing it go than I thought I would be. I probably could have gotten more for it, but I didn't want to have to go through trying to list it and everything. Well, what's done is done.
On to the Fairy.. Now that I have Jenn's approval that it looks good : ) I can post about it.
I had this idea about catching a fairy who was trying to paint her wings so she could fly around and be a little less conspicuous. Although, I think she will probably find that the weight of the paint makes it to difficult to fly.
I bottled her in a patch of clover with a book on butterflies and her paints.
Around the bottom of the jar is written:
Observation #1 Fairies can paint their wings to resemble butterflies.

Fairies love to get their hands on anything that sparkles...
Fairies do not like to get wet...
Fairies change color when they are angry...
There is no such thing as a gay fairy... (I love the idea of this one, but it might be a bit to controversial... No hate mail please... My concept would be a boy and girl fairy kissing it up, the boy fairy clearly the pursuer...)
Anyway, let me know what you think!
I love your fairy bottle- you are so talented- amber
These are just too cute!! You come up with some of the best ideas!!
Happy Scrappin'
Lisa H. in Arkansas
You have artist... I love it!! I wish that I had some of that talent. I have a few girls in my after school summer program who are really into fairies, I will ask them if they have any ideas on that one:) Stacy
Yeah you would never guess I was a teacher with my spelling,, "you are such an artist"
Thank you Mrs. Unable to spell
wow - I can't believe the patience it must have taken to put this together. It looks amazing.
You have waaay more patience than I do when it comes to getting the details. I love it! So different. I have yet to see something like this until now.
Wow, it looks great Cam! I don't know if you were making her to keep or sell, but I know people go completely nuts over this type of stuff on ebay. I bet you could do really well selling something like that! Also, I love your ideas. To help you with a few more, Disney has a line of books for kids that are all about fairies. We have read them to Felicity and they have all different sorts, so you might get some ideas there.
I also bet Jennica would like them too! Good luck though, I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Cam I love this fairy!
"Fairies do not need wands to be magical"
Oh I love that one Zoe!
You don't need my approval AT ALL, you take my ideas and make them so much better. I love the sparkles idea, I don't know how you could do this but instead of the no gay fairy thing...maybe what a fairies kiss can do? Find a fairy pick them up, if they kiss you'll have good luck...or something to that effect. Who knows I am just typing as I think. Let us know when you put it on eBay, I want to watch for SURE!!! I bet by the end of the serious you got going in your head you are going to be a millionaire. I am sorry about the crib, that was probably hard.
Jenni from the hood
I just love it! This is the most creative thing I've seen in forever. :)
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