He was sooooo upset I wouldn't let him go. It was so hot and sunny outside, and Aaron loves the water so much.
Usually we have a decent sized, blow up, pool for the kids in the summer. Last year the pool developed quite a few holes, so we threw it out at the end of the summer. I've been planning to get a new one, but haven't gotten around to it. I've also kind of been putting it off because it always damages the lawn so much.
Anyway, Aaron was so upset, I told him we would look when we got home and see if we had an old pool I could fill up for him.
Poor kid, this is all I could find. He insisted on a floaty too.

Nice history (:
Husband Here:
HOLY COW!!! That's funny! I love that kid's creativity.
oh my goodness I can't stop laughing! you have made my day for sure!
Oh this poor little feller! Cam you gotta get the little guy a bigger pool! That is priceless!!
Happy Scrappin'
Lisa H. in Arkansas
Oh my gosh!- I'm officially inviting Aaron over to swim! I GUESS the other two can come too.. ;} You pick the day, or we can all go swim at the Meridian pool. Poor guy, but he looks happy--like the kid happily digging away in the pile of manure, looking for the horse--he's an optimist! What a great kid! BTW-I have a large rectangular pool you can have.
It's so much fun having a 2 month old who thinks this is a good time to be awake!
well... when life gives you lemons, make lemonade :) Prime example of a childs ability to make the best of a situation. This is so sweet to watch. A pint sized puddle to play in!
poor little guy, you better get the kid a little pool- he is so cute- amber
Ohhh poor little guy!!! I love the way kids can have fun with just the little things!
Oh my gosh Cam, that is too precious for words! How funny that he doesn't even seem to care that his big ol floatie doesn't fit in the "pool". THat's waht I love about kids though, they don't need much to make them happy! Thanks for sharing! That was adorable!!
I sure hope you are out buying a bigger pool right now....poor baby!
i NEEDED A GOOD LAUGH TODAY - WHOOPS TYPING WITH ONE FINGER WHILE FEEDING A BABY must have hit the caps key....too tired to go back and fix it.
Poor thing. It was funny, but I kept thinking about how he was trying to make it work all by himself and the thing was so small. What a cutie!
What great imagination and persitance.. cute boy, oh the things that could be invented by young children
Oh my goodness that is just too cute!
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