I have been sorting Jennica's old clothes and preparing listings for eBay. I finally got the first lot up. It's been thought provoking. Jennica told me she didn't want me to sell her old clothes... she wants to just keep them so she can look at them. How cute. Mostly I kept thinking while I was cleaning and pressing the clothes that I thought I was never going to have to iron this shirt, or pair of pants again...
Now it's all ready and the listing is up! Here's some of my fav's, but you can click here to go to eBay to see the whole auction.

ok...so I didn't realize you're a twilight fan too!!! I just finished Breaking Dawn. We'll need to go see that together. And no worries, I'm not a swimmer either, and I did just fine. I side stroked the entire way, and there were plenty of people that back stroked the entire way! So I'll remind you next year.
I really appreciated your advice on my blog. Reading what you wrote is what I needed to make a decision. I knew that I could list my things on Etsy in the mean time but completely forgot that September is when things start to pick up some. I need to get ready for Christmas sales and what better timing with inventory. Thanks!
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