Here are some early pictures.
Jennica and Noah at on the Boise Temple grounds. Jennica is about 2 years, Noah about 4 years.
Jennica at 3 years old...
Jennica, shortly before her 4th birthday.
And Jennica at about 5 years old. She's wearing those Billy Bob Halloween teeth. (Jennica actually came over while I was cropping this pictures and she asked about the picture. I told her this was what she looked like before she started to brush her teeth. She had this awful look on her face because she thought I was serious.)

And the birthday party!

Wearing some new presents..

Andy was at the salad bar and I looked over. I for a split second I wasn't sure which one was my husband.
$10 bucks if you guess right. Well, not really. but you'll have the satisfaction of guessing correct, and THAT is just about priceless.

It was a lovely day.
Jennica is such a beautiful, energetic little girl. I am so happy to be her mom. I can't wait to see her grow up. She is so tall for age and I bet she's going to surpass me by quite a bit. She brings so much enthusiasm and energy to our family. I love her so much!
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
Yasmin turned 6 last saturday! so we were pregnant together! lol
Happy Birthday Jennica
I couldnt help noticing how tall she was, and so cute. They grow up so fast it makes me sad sometimes. Some people are so happy when their kids go back to school, and I get melancholy. I know Cassie will be another year older and am happy she is healthy and growing, but sad that she needs me less and less every year.
happy birthday ...six year olds are a blast...thanks for your sweet comments! you rock!
love the pic of her and grandpa
She is such a beauty, and she really does look like she'll be tall. :)
K, so it makes me laugh so hard that you told her that's what she looked like before she started brushing her teeth! LOL!!!! You are so funny! It's hard to see them grow up isn't it? She is such a doll and sounds like such a sweet girl. Happy birthday!
Tell Jennica thanks for letting Sydney tag along. She had a great time - the pictures prove it!
Happy late B-Day to Jennica, it looks like she had a perfect day! She couldn't be cutter!!! I have to let you know Andy is on the right, I can see the McClelland hair from a mile away. A family in our ward growing up (the White's) named the peach fuzzy hair that grows on your neck lower than the back of a boys hair cut line is "McClelland hair." Apparently every week they would rate the boys on how bad it was while sitting behind us in church. I think it is the funniest thing ever, cause of course every man gets it if they don't get their hair cut fast enough or trim in between cuts. Anway thought you would get a kick out of that!
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