Friday, October 10, 2008

The Annual PFOP Design Team eBay Auction

I use to be a party of a design team called Pocket Full of Papers (PFOP). They are an AMAZING group of designers who sell their designs on eBay, ETSY and through their blogs etc. Anyway, after I lost Vincent, I didn't feel like I could keep up with the group requirements so I left the team. They are all still good friends of mine and I have so much respect for them and their abilities.

Every year, since the group started in July 2006, they have had a very special auction in October. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. The entire team works together to create one project which they auction on eBay and donate the entire final sales amount to The Susan G. Korman For the Cure foundation.

This years project is a beautiful recipe tin with absolutely gorgeous recipe cards inside. The recipes looks so yummy I'd take them even without the tin, and I love the tin!

I have placed my bid and I hope you will all do the same. I would love to win it, but breast cancer is a cause that is very dear to me, so I would be very happy to see it sell for much more than I can afford. Click here to go check it out!

Way to go Pocket Full of Papers!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Another beautiful design!!!

  3. Thanks for posting this on your blog- and for the bid!!!
