Thursday, October 9, 2008


I just came across a piece of paper I used to jot down something Jennica said a couple weeks ago and I have to share it.

One morning we woke up to find a dead locust on our back patio. Unusual, since we don't really get locusts in these parts. It's the first one I can ever remember seeing. Anyway, here's Jennica's insight.

"Ants are all over the dead leaf bug! They are going after it to take it back to their house... to eat... or for like a decoration, you know -- for like a party."

I thought it was funny. oh, to be 6 years old again and think everything involves a party.


  1. Kinda glad we aren't 6 anymore!! Who really wants to decorate with dead locusts nowadays! Too cute!

  2. What kind of parties have you and Jennica been hosting anyway?!? Super funny!

  3. That really made me giggle. That's what I call thinking outside the box. ;)

  4. yeah I'm with manbrid, what kind of parties have you two been hosting??? I'm starting to wonder what I'm up for if I ever make it over there... you're not going to hang me from your front porch as a decoration are you?

  5. Oh my gosh, that was so hilarious! I love the "decoration, for like a party" part. It totally made me smile :o) What a cutie she is!
